The River Wensum Photo Series

Living by the River Wensum for the past two years inspired me to create a photo series.

This chalk river carries so much history along on its tide. Memories of Norwich as a port date back to medieval times. Ancient buildings sit alongside modern ones, and the face of the riverbank is ever changing and evolving before our very eyes.

The old Colman Factory site – image by @MyriadLifePhotoArt

River vessels have evolved from steamboats, wherries and cargo ships to leisure cruisers, canoes, kayaks, and paddle boards.

Modern apartment blocks near Carrow Bridge – image by @MyriadLifePhotoArt

Ancient and modern bridges all serve their individual purposes in their own unique styles.

The Novi Sad Friendship Bridge – image by @MyriadLifePhotoArt

Old factories are being revitalised to create new housing. Brand new apartment blocks rise up continually.

Through it all, the wildlife goes about its business as usual, adapting to the human influence just as we adapt to our environment too. 

Eric and Erica the Egyptian Geese – image by @MyriadLifePhotoArt

We often look to history to understand a place. My aim is to show this present era of the Wensum. The history of the river is fascinating, and I will, of course, include it, but the way the river continues in modern day times is fascinating too. I am not a historian but there are many excellent sources I will use here to help paint a fuller picture of the river, along with my images.

Let’s see where the tide takes us…

This River Wensum series begins with the bridges. I start at Carrow bridge as it is the nearest to my apartment block and continue along the river towards the city.

New links will appear here.

Carrow Bridge

The Novi Sad Friendship Bridge

The Lady Julian Bridge

Foundry Bridge

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